On Wednesday, WhatsApp made an announcement that it would be offering a new method for anyone to arrange events inside communities using the platform. Because of this tool, it is now much simpler to organise events and gatherings directly inside WhatsApp, whether it be a meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association or a birthday dinner.
Anyone can create an event, and others can respond to it. This allows everyone else in the group to become aware of who is intending to attend the event. Users can locate the event on the group’s information page, and those who are in attendance at the event will receive a notification when the event date approaches.
Over the course of the next few months, all groups will gradually gain access to the new WhatsApp feature.
WhatsApp is also providing the capability for users to respond to messages in announcement groups. Announcement groups are places where community administrators inform all community members of any new information. For the purpose of allowing users to see what other people have said, replies are grouped together, and individuals will not get alerts for them. This feature’s objective is to make it possible for administrators to get feedback from their members while at the same time ensuring that announcement groups remain well-organized and devoid of clutter.
In November 2022, WhatsApp introduced Communities as a means for communities, school organisations, hobbies, and other groups to maintain connections with one another. Administrators achieved this by merging up to fifty groups into a single entity. The firm has said that it will proceed with the implementation of additional features for communities and groups over the course of the next several months.