Last month, Telegram introduced Stars, a digital currency specifically designed for in-app use. Currently, the company is broadening its range of applications to include paid content. In addition, the chat app now gives channels the option to exchange their accumulated stars for Toncoin, the cryptocurrency that Telegram uses on the Open Network (TON) blockchain. Alternatively, they can utilize them to receive discounts for channel promotions.
The company originally introduced Stars as a means of payment for digital goods provided by bots and apps within Telegram. Now, creators have the ability to share their content, which users can access by unlocking it with Stars.
The app is also allowing channel owners to withdraw Stars and convert them to Toncoin using the Fragment platform. If you have Toncoin, you can trade crypto through various exchanges and transfer money to your bank account. Notably, Telegram has been using this portal to auction usernames over the TON blockchain.
On the other hand, channel owners have the option to utilize Stars as a means to receive reduced rates on advertisements, enabling them to effectively promote their channels.
Telegram has introduced a new feature in its latest update: a Mini App Bar conveniently located at the bottom of the screen. This allows users to easily access mini-apps without the hassle of reloading them.
The company has also introduced several additional methods for users to explore and find stories. Users now have the ability to tap on a hashtag and instantly view all public stories that include that hashtag in the caption. The app already has the feature to search for hashtags in your chats and messages on public channels.
In a similar vein, users now have the ability to include a location tag in their stories. By simply tapping on the tag, other users can easily access all public stories from that particular location.
Telegram has introduced several business-centric features this year to attract small businesses and increase its user base. These features include the ability for businesses to add location and opening hours, making it a viable alternative to platforms like WhatsApp. In April, the company also rolled out new features such as personalized start pages, pre-set greeting and away messages, and chatbot support for businesses.