For those who use WhatsApp primarily as an inbox, the app will now offer even greater utility. WhatsApp recently introduced a few chat filters to help users conveniently access specific types of messages: All, Unread, and Groups.
You can view your inbox in its unfiltered state by default, with the “All” filter selected. The “Unread” filter can be quite useful when it comes to reviewing messages that may have slipped your attention. It also assists in achieving inbox zero and eliminating the bothersome number of unread chat indicators.
Interestingly, WhatsApp already had a feature that allowed users to view unread messages by using a filter in the search bar. However, the new filter bubbles conveniently provide the option right on top of the chat screen.
Users who want to easily navigate through their group chats have strongly requested the “Groups” filter, according to Meta. This filter will also display conversations in subgroups that are part of Communities, which is WhatsApp’s discussion group feature.
Gmail users may find these filter bubbles familiar, as the Google-owned email service implemented a similar feature in 2020 to enhance search functionality.
These initial filters could be just the start. According to several reports from WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has been developing additional filters for its users. Different beta versions of the app have tested these filters, which include a “Contacts” filter to block messages from unknown individuals and businesses, a “Favorites” filter to easily access frequently contacted people, and even custom chat filters.
WhatsApp announced that all users will have access to the filter options within a few weeks, with a gradual release starting today.