However, as of today at Mobile World Congress, the Doublepoint firm has released the latest version of its famous WowMouse gesture-touch control software for Android smartwatches. Although users of the Apple iWatch have had access to it since October of last year, the app has been available for Android consumers since today.
The free application, which was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January, now supports Google’s Pixel Watch 2. According to the business, it has already had about 30,000 downloads from Samsung Galaxy users since the event.
As is the case with the iWatch gestures, the WowMouse software functions as a kind of “wrist-based” mouse. It does this by allowing users to operate headsets, phones, tablets, computers, and other devices via taps that are sent to the watch over Bluetooth.
“Gestures are a big theme these days, with Apple Vision Pro coming out,” Ohto Pentikainen, the creator of the company, informed me when he was standing at his booth in the Four Years From Now area of the Mobile World Congress. These pinches are something that people are seen performing all over the streets these days! That is something that we do, and what we do is make it invisible. These gesture recognition methods are carried out in a very stealthy manner, allowing you to carry them about in your pocket without any noticeable impact.
He explained to me that the vibration that occurs when your fingers come into contact with one another activates the app. “The impact travels through the tendons all the way to the wrist,” he said. The inertial measurement unit, which is nothing more than a gyroscope, is what we use to pick it up.
When it comes to augmented reality and virtual reality headsets, the WowMouse might potentially be a boon for gaming and other types of interactive applications.
Doublepoint is now accepting preorders for its Evaluation Kit, which consists of a wristband, algorithms, and evaluation tools. This kit is designed to allow developers to evaluate the DoublePoint gesture detection algorithm.